
We will take care of all your needs, sharing with you our contacts, our experience and our knowledge

Property finding

It you are looking for a property to buy in Italy, Casa Londra have access to unique and off-market prestigious properties in prime areas: not only Milan and Rome but also the Italian Riviera, the Italian lakes, Tuscany and Sardinia. We offer private and discreet negotiations conducted with professionalism.


Relocating from abroad to Italy can be an exciting adventure, but also quite stressful if you are not prepared. Whether you are moving for work, study, family reasons or simply for a change of scenery, the process of relocating can be complex and time-consuming.


If your new property requires refurbishment or renovation, Casa Londra benefits from a reliable team of architects, contractors and interior designers who can assist in the whole planning project and realization.

Legal advice

We provide legal support to clients buying or renting properties in Italy with our Italian and English qualified lawyers. We can offer bilingual advice and simplify the legal process from the initial instructions tho the estate agent, going through the offer of purchase or rent.

Casa Londra is a trading name of Casa Londra Limited Registered in England and Wales No. 07652347. Registered office: 310 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 9JH

Casa Londra is a trading name of Casa Londra Limited Registered in England and Wales No. 07652347. Registered office: 310 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 9JH